Five to Flow Playbook

Access practical solutions and action steps based on your personal outcomes from the Wellness Wave.

Photo: Jakarta, Indonesia

Coming soon... Find your flow by taking action.

The Five to Flow book will be different than most business books; it is a Playbook. Just like a coach chooses the right play at the right time for his team, we hope this book will guide you toward a better functioning business by having access to the right "plays."

After spending decades as aspiring athletes and coaches, we have turned that passion toward interviewing far more accomplished athletes and coaches around the world to understand how they are so successful. ​ With the inputs of these incredible and inspiring humans, we are designing a practical, professional development guide focused in areas that directly impact work performance following a framework and model of the best athletes. This framework has taken individuals and teams to championships, gold medals and world records, these strategies are designed to make the best, better.

Our goal is to align individuals at work with a clear individual and team plan, enabling positive growth, skills development, conflict resolution, team building, with easy to use models, and promoting action to develop a smarter and more consistent culture of success. We are writing some now, and more as we get to know you better through the responses we see on the Wellness Wave.

Playbook Outline

Coming soon...Choose what to read based on your unique needs.

People Models


What: As the core of any company, the PEOPLE need access to each other as the best resources to develop. ​ Collaboration is shown to be the most effective practice for individual employees and leaders to develop skills, enhance customer interactions, and improve personal physical, mental, and social health of everyone in the company.

How: We dive into practical action steps for collaboration, leveraging strengths between teammates, individual change management, enhancing emotional intelligence, improving employee physical wellness, navigating career growth and supporting customer engagement.

Why: Disengagement costs the economy hundreds of billions of dollars and individual companies financially and culturally. ​ A focus on engaging employees has the positive outcome of more deeply engaging customers; a customer-obsessed culture where companies can attract, retain, and expand relationships is ultimately how companies continue to thrive and grow revenue.

Culture Models


What: Culture encompasses the values, the story, the vision, the people, the systems and the holistic environment of its leaders, employees and customers.

How: On the topics within culture, we will provide practical action steps to define values and demonstrate them, define a vision and underpin it with a strategy and tactics, provide frameworks and suggested habits that promote well-being, and offer the best practices for exhibiting grit and finding flow.

Why: A positive culture in the workplace fosters team trust which leads to creativity, innovation, retention, lowering recruiting and onboarding costs and increasing revenue through competitive advantages. Upward momentum and growth of employees also lead to increased productivity and efficiency resulting in better margins. ​ Employees who are bought into a team/positive culture are willing to go the extra mile for each other and for customers when they feel personally invested, valued, and motivated.


What: Business process redesign focuses on restructuring organizational operations by focusing on "ways of working" and ground-up design of the steps to complete a given set of tasks. ​ Leveraging human insight at every stage of the development cycle and considering the customer experience - which is constantly evolving - ​ is what separates the best companies.

How: We dive into practical action steps to design efficient and effective future state, customer-centric processes aligned to the ideal customer experience with an "outside in" or customer lens view.

Why: By eliminating unnecessary steps, automating others, and creating a holistic view, our programs are designed to enable individual productivity and support teams and organizations to become truly customer obsessed. Automation results in faster sales cycles, improved marketing conversion rates, higher quality, and higher margins.

Technology Models


What: As individuals outside of work, we are quick to leverage and rely on technology, but not always optimally and not always to our advantage. Organizations with a technology strategy aligned to the business strategy - offering only the tools needed to increase productivity, increase employee and customer satisfaction, and increase revenue - demonstrate cohesive results.

How: On the topics within technology, we will provide practical action steps to leverage personal and work related tools to support avoidance of distraction, simple automations, reducing friction, and enabling more balance between personal and work tools.

Why: More automation, less distraction, and improved workplace efficiency leads to better productivity and work-life balance. ​ Effective technology selections and implementations with high adoption rates drive return on the technology investments while reducing costs by eliminating the spend on tools that are under-utilized or disconnected.

Analytics Models


What: We are presented with data every day across many channels from the time we wake until we go to sleep. ​ To properly leverage this data, it must flow through a continuum becoming information that drives knowledge. Through this flow, the knowledge becomes used to communicate meaningful and predictable patterns that support behavior changes and effective decision making.

How: We dive into practical action steps to leverage data to create understandable and actionable insights driving individual and organizational areas of focus. Our recommendations will be prioritized depending on user capabilities, the current state of the data structure, and identifying quick wins that drive results enabling further refinements and investments in the other four core elements.

Why: Organizations that make decisions informed with analytics have an elevated competitive positioning through improved and personalized customer experiences which leads to increased sales/deal size, higher win rates, shortened go to market and sales cycles, and overall efficiency of business operations.