High Five

Showing our gratitude and recognizing our top performing customers, colleagues, and advisors is a critical component of our business.

Photo: Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia

We lead withappreciation and gratitude.

Gratitude and appreciation are always top of mind for the Five to Flow Collective. ​ We see these as important in our personal and professional lives because they bring us into positive and direct relationship with ourselves and others. Feeling gratitude and expressing appreciation enables us to transcend neutral or negative thought through an opening of our hearts. ​ As we express appreciation, we are uplifted well beyond the tasks before us, operating below the surface.

The High Five space is here to recognize organizations, colleagues, and board members for whom we are grateful. They are doing things that align with our values, ethics, and our vision of a world where organizational wellness is non-negotiable.

Willow McDonough: Media Coach and Videographer


At Five to Flow, we have invested a considerable amount of time developing our point of view on how we live our brand every day. How we look, how we sound, and how we act define who we are both internally and externally. In the digital age, videography is a critical component to sharing how we live our brand with the global community.

Over the past few months, Willow McDonough has been working with Five to Flow to help us live our brand through video. She is an experienced Media Coach, NLP Practitioner, and Videographer who has invested her time and energy to improve how we share our brand with the world.

In addition to her consulting business “Be Scene,” Willow is the host of the “Carve Your Own F*cking Path” podcast, which features candid interviews with unconventional entrepreneurs who have boldly stepped into the unknown to create a business and live on their own terms. All guests on her show have a big mission and inspiring story to tell, having chosen anything but a linear path. Showing up for their business and being seen is part of the messy journey of entrepreneurship, and she dives deep into that experience during every episode.

On behalf of the entire Collective at Five to Flow, thank you, Willow, for sharing your wisdom with our team and working with all of us to bring the Five to Flow brand to life.

You can connect with Willow on Instagram​ and LinkedIn.


Founder, OPS; Coach

Richard Pybus

Richard plays many roles with Five to Flow: beta customer, coach, and subject matter advisor. ​ To support him, we collaborated on his own business plan, start up financials, target markets, and market analysis. ​ As a fantastic Coach himself, he taught me some incredibly valuable lessons about myself, my leadership, and the real goal for Five to Flow. ​ I am forever grateful for how he further enabled me to escape my thoughts and take action. ​ My favorite quote from Richard about our people is, "Once they have qualified for the team, they need to become a team." Thanks to Richard, we are on the path to become an award winning collective.

Advisors & Partners


Claudia Herrington

Thanks to very long running relationships with my Alma Mater, Otterbein University, I was able to connect with Claudia through the MBA level class on Entrepreneurship ​ offered remote summer semester. ​ I was not only impressed with her instruction throughout our course, but with her ability to balance her entrepreneurial spirit along with adjunct teaching and a full time job while raising a family. ​ This inspired me to connect more deeply with Claudia, inviting her to our Femme Founders group where she has added more value in a few sessions that I could have ever anticipated. ​ She asks tough questions while offering insights that provoke diverse perspectives and collaboration. ​ I am grateful she has accepted to serve as Legal Advisor for Five to Flow. ​


I had the very good fortune of meeting David at a critical point in the founding of Five to Flow when I needed someone to take my vision for the Wellness Wave and make it a reality. ​ As a technology expert, he needed to deeply understand the technical solution options and present them in a way I could make an informed decision aligned to our long term strategy. ​ This was a very effective experience, however I am more grateful for his understanding of our mission, vision, and values so his own empowered decisions as he worked were easy for me to approve and proceed. ​ Thank you David for building our core diagnostic tool that will underpin our approach with our customers.

Shadow Board


Jasmine Bentley

A former colleague, Chris, introduced me to Jasmine, a brilliant young woman working for a Salesforce Partner Consulting firm with an interest in learning more about change management. ​ In the process of getting to know her, I have developed an admiration and high level of respect for her journey, personally and professionally. ​ We have grown to get to know each other more deeply, discussing everything from best practices for sleep and recovery, to meditation and mindfulness, ​ to career development, to very sensitive but critical topics on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. I am grateful for her perspectives as a Shadow Board member; her point of view and compassionate voice have added so much value to our DEI services and how we operate internally at Five to Flow.